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Cold Brew Pod Instructions

Add 1 pod and 9 oz. of water to a jar and cover.

Steep the pod in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

Remove the pod and enjoy!

Cold Brew Coffee Concentrate

Cold coffee extraction produces a sweeter and smoother cup of coffee with less bitterness than a warm brew. Coarsely ground coffee, set to French Press, makes the best cold brew. Since the water is cold, it needs to steep for about 12 to 18 hours. The coffee to water ratio we provide will make a cold brew concentrate, which can be diluted to your personal preference. The steps are as follows:


  1. Ratio: 1 Cup of Water for every 1 ounce (1/2 Cup) of coarsely ground coffee. You can alter the ratio according to your preferences. We recommend using filtered water in all coffee drinks because tap water quickly causes mineral build up which greatly diminishes the flavor of the coffee.

  2. Steep the mixture for 12-18 hours. You can refrigerate it or steep at room temperature.

  3. Filter and strain your cold brew concentrate. You can use a thin paper coffee filter, cheesecloth, a thin handkerchief, or any other lint free cotton cloth or material which works for you. A French press filter or fine mesh sieve is NOT sufficient and will result in very murky and gritty coffee. To strain, place the coffee filter (handkerchief or cheesecloth, etc.) into a fine-mesh sieve, or drape your cloth over the sieve. Place it over a pitcher and pour the concentrate through it. Refrigerate your cold brew concentrate.

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